The Melbourne Athenaeum Inc.'s 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held at 1pm, Monday 15 April, in the Melbourne Athenaeum Library.

For more information please refer to the events page or speak to a staff member.

Not mincing words: memoir, trivia & open hand fandom

A fan-led spoken word event featuring eleven of the best and sharpest extracts tracing the Oil’s storied career.

Includes band trivia and a rambling oration on the perils and pleasures of Midnight Oil fandom. Lovers of word crimes and storytelling – and the usual diehards – all welcome.

The event will be held on Thursday 1 August from 6:30pm. Please note that as this is an external event there is a $10 cost for this event for members and non-members alike. Bookings can be made through Trybooking using this link.
