The Melbourne Athenaeum Inc.'s 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held at 1pm, Monday 15 April, in the Melbourne Athenaeum Library.

For more information please refer to the events page or speak to a staff member.

GOLD: An Animated Rhapsody

GOLD: An Animated Rhapsody, is a unique animated musical film and art exhibition inspired by a series of 10 watercolour paintings left in a will from a family’s favourite Uncle.

Drawing on archival material and his own art, Len Davies’ eventful life story is interwoven visually through his paintings of Harold Lasseter’s fateful search for gold in central Australia. It tells of Len’s days as a 13-year-old drawing caricatures of passers-by while selling newspapers outside Perth’s His Majesty's Hotel, to WW2 where he served as a rear gunner in a Lancaster Bomber, to his life as an artist.

Whereas Lasseter’s journey was fraught and tragic from start to end, Uncle Lens paintings are beautiful and inspiring. The audience is invited to view the real paintings used in the film via an Art Exhibition exit experience.

After the film Ashley Davies and his band, The True Adventurers, will be performing a set of instrumental music of compositions from his albums.

The performance will be held on Friday 5 July with doors opening at 5:30pm for a 6:00pm performance. This event is free for members and $20 for guests. Bookings can be made through Trybooking using this link.
